Chorus Lesson
This app is for the use of personal lesson of chorus. You can check your melody line by listening only the sound of your part. Then, practice checking the overall flow and sound enabling sound of other parts. You may also change the playing speed, you can practice your part carefully at your suitable tempo.

Pitch Scope
The Pitch Scope app measures the sound taken from the microphone and displays the pitch, waveform and spectrum in real time.
Why do vowels U O A E I sound like U O A E I? You can see and check the waveform and spectrum of each vowel. Also, for example, if someone says “this guitar sounds brightly!. and that one sounds heavy” . What is the difference? When you have such questions, you may check it with this app.

Simple Metronome with Star for practicing music. Tempo range from 30 to 240,
Four rhythms 4, 3, 2 and 6 or none.